Settings Reference

django-modeltrans allows some configuration to define its behavior. By default, it tries to use sensible defaults derived from the default django settings.


A list of language codes to allow model fields to be translated in. By default, the language codes extracted from django’s LANGUAGES setting.

Note that
  • the default language, defined in django’s LANGUAGE_CODE setting, should not be added to this list (will be ignored).
  • order is not important

A custom definition might be:



A dict of fallback chains as lists of languages. By default, it falls back to the language defined in django setting LANGUAGE_CODE.

For example, django-modeltrans will fall back to:
  • english when the active language is ‘nl’
  • fist dutch and finally english with active language is ‘fy’

If configured like this:

   'default': (LANGUAGE_CODE, ),
   'fy': ('nl', 'en')

Note that a custom fallback language can be configured on a model instance if the i18n field is configured like this:

class Model(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    fallback_language = models.CharField(max_length=2)

    i18n = TranslationField(fields=("title",), fallback_language_field="fallback_language")

in which fallback_language_field refers to the model field that contains the language code.

This topic is explained in Custom fallback language.


If True, the <name>_i18n fields with empty help_text``s will get a ``help_text like:

current language: en

True by default.