Source code for modeltrans.fields

from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
from django.db.models import F, fields
from django.db.models.functions import Cast, Coalesce
from django.utils.translation import gettext

from .conf import get_default_language, get_fallback_chain, get_modeltrans_setting
from .utils import (

    # django==3.1 moved JSONField into django.db.models
    from django.db.models import JSONField
    from django.db.models.fields.json import KeyTextTransform
except ImportError:
    from django.contrib.postgres.fields import JSONField
    from django.contrib.postgres.fields.jsonb import KeyTextTransform

SUPPORTED_FIELDS = (fields.CharField, fields.TextField)

DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = get_default_language()

def translated_field_factory(original_field, language=None, *args, **kwargs):
    if not isinstance(original_field, SUPPORTED_FIELDS):
        raise ImproperlyConfigured(
            "{} is not supported by django-modeltrans.".format(original_field.__class__.__name__)

    class Specific(TranslatedVirtualField, original_field.__class__):

    Specific.__name__ = "Translated{}".format(original_field.__class__.__name__)

    return Specific(original_field, language, *args, **kwargs)

[docs]class TranslatedVirtualField: """ A field representing a single field translated to a specific language. Arguments: original_field: The original field to be translated language: The language to translate to, or `None` to track the current active Django language. """ # Implementation inspired by HStoreVirtualMixin from: # def __init__(self, original_field, language=None, *args, **kwargs): # TODO: this feels like a big hack. self.__dict__.update(original_field.__dict__) self.original_field = original_field self.language = language self.blank = kwargs["blank"] self.null = kwargs["null"] self.concrete = False self._help_text = kwargs.pop("help_text", None) @property def original_name(self): return @property def help_text(self): if self._help_text is not None: return self._help_text if get_modeltrans_setting("MODELTRANS_ADD_FIELD_HELP_TEXT") and self.language is None: return gettext("current language: {}").format(get_language()) def contribute_to_class(self, cls, name): self.model = cls self.attname = name = name self.column = None # Use a translated verbose name: translated_field_name = gettext(self.original_field.verbose_name) if self.language is not None: translated_field_name += " ({})".format(self.language.upper()) self.verbose_name = translated_field_name setattr(cls, name, self) cls._meta.add_field(self, private=True) def db_type(self, connection): return None def get_instance_fallback_chain(self, instance, language): """ Return the fallback chain for the instance. Most of the time, it is just the configured fallback chain, but if the per-record-fallback feature is used, the value of the field is added (if not None). """ default = get_fallback_chain(language) i18n_field = instance._meta.get_field("i18n") if i18n_field.fallback_language_field: record_fallback_language = get_instance_field_value( instance, i18n_field.fallback_language_field ) if record_fallback_language: return (record_fallback_language, *default) return default def __get__(self, instance, instance_type=None): # This method is apparently called with instance=None from django. # django-hstor raises AttributeError here, but that doesn't solve our problem. if instance is None: return if "i18n" in instance.get_deferred_fields(): raise ValueError( "Getting translated values on a model fetched with defer('i18n') is not supported." ) language = self.get_language() original_value = getattr(instance, self.original_name) if language == DEFAULT_LANGUAGE and original_value: return original_value # Make sure we test for containment in a dict, not in None if instance.i18n is None: instance.i18n = {} field_name = build_localized_fieldname(self.original_name, language) # Just return the value if this is an explicit field (<name>_<lang>) if self.language is not None: return instance.i18n.get(field_name) # This is the _i18n version of the field, and the current language is not available, # so we walk the fallback chain: for fallback_language in (language,) + self.get_instance_fallback_chain(instance, language): if fallback_language == DEFAULT_LANGUAGE: if original_value: return original_value else: continue field_name = build_localized_fieldname(self.original_name, fallback_language) if field_name in instance.i18n and instance.i18n[field_name]: return instance.i18n.get(field_name) # finally, return the original field if all else fails. return getattr(instance, self.original_name) def __set__(self, instance, value): if instance.i18n is None: instance.i18n = {} language = self.get_language() if language == DEFAULT_LANGUAGE: setattr(instance, self.original_name, value) else: field_name = build_localized_fieldname(self.original_name, language) # if value is None, remove field from `i18n`. if value is None: instance.i18n.pop(field_name, None) else: instance.i18n[field_name] = value
[docs] def get_field_name(self): """ Returns the field name for the current virtual field. The field name is ``<original_field_name>_<language>`` in case of a specific translation or ``<original_field_name>_i18n`` for the currently active language. """ if self.language is None: lang = "i18n" else: lang = self.get_language() return build_localized_fieldname(self.original_name, lang)
[docs] def get_language(self): """ Returns the language for this field. In case of an explicit language (title_en), it returns "en", in case of `title_i18n`, it returns the currently active Django language. """ return self.language if self.language is not None else get_language()
def output_field(self): """ The type of field used to Cast/Coalesce to. Mainly because a max_length argument is required for CharField until this PR is merged: """ Field = self.original_field.__class__ if isinstance(self.original_field, fields.CharField): return Field(max_length=self.original_field.max_length) return Field() def _localized_lookup(self, language, bare_lookup): if language == DEFAULT_LANGUAGE: return bare_lookup.replace(, self.original_name) # When accessing a table directly, the i18_lookup will be just "i18n", while following relations # they are in the lookup first. i18n_lookup = bare_lookup.replace(, "i18n") # To support per-row fallback languages, an F-expression is passed as language parameter. if isinstance(language, F): # abuse build_localized_fieldname without language to get "<field>_" field_prefix = build_localized_fieldname(self.original_name, "") return FallbackTransform(field_prefix, language, i18n_lookup) else: return KeyTextTransform( build_localized_fieldname(self.original_name, language), i18n_lookup ) def as_expression(self, bare_lookup, fallback=True): """ Compose an expression to get the value for this virtual field in a query. """ language = self.get_language() if language == DEFAULT_LANGUAGE: return F(self._localized_lookup(language, bare_lookup)) if not fallback: i18n_lookup = self._localized_lookup(language, bare_lookup) return Cast(i18n_lookup, self.output_field()) fallback_chain = get_fallback_chain(language) # First, add the current language to the list of lookups lookups = [self._localized_lookup(language, bare_lookup)] # Optionnally add the lookup for the per-row fallback language i18n_field = self.model._meta.get_field("i18n") if i18n_field.fallback_language_field: lookups.append( self._localized_lookup(F(i18n_field.fallback_language_field), bare_lookup) ) # and now, add the list of fallback languages to the lookup list for fallback_language in fallback_chain: lookups.append(self._localized_lookup(fallback_language, bare_lookup)) return Coalesce(*lookups, output_field=self.output_field())
[docs]class TranslationField(JSONField): """ This model field is used to store the translations in the translated model. Arguments: fields (iterable): List of model field names to make translatable. required_languages (iterable or dict): List of languages required for the model. If a dict is supplied, the keys must be translated field names with the value containing a list of required languages for that specific field. virtual_fields (bool): If `False`, do not add virtual fields to access translated values with. Set to `True` during migration from django-modeltranslation to prevent collisions with it's database fields while having the `i18n` field available. fallback_language_field: If not None, this should be the name of the field containing a language code to use as the first language in any fallback chain. For example: if you have a model instance with 'nl' as language_code, and set fallback_language_field='language_code', 'nl' will always be tried after the current language before any other language. """ description = "Translation storage for a model" def __init__( self, fields=None, required_languages=None, virtual_fields=True, fallback_language_field=None, *args, **kwargs, ): self.fields = fields or () self.required_languages = required_languages or () self.virtual_fields = virtual_fields self.fallback_language_field = fallback_language_field kwargs["editable"] = False kwargs["null"] = True super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def deconstruct(self): name, path, args, kwargs = super().deconstruct() del kwargs["editable"] del kwargs["null"] kwargs["fields"] = self.fields kwargs["required_languages"] = self.required_languages kwargs["virtual_fields"] = self.virtual_fields return name, path, args, kwargs def get_translated_fields(self): """Return a generator for all translated fields.""" for field in self.model._meta.get_fields(): if isinstance(field, TranslatedVirtualField): yield field def contribute_to_class(self, cls, name): if name != "i18n": raise ImproperlyConfigured('{} must have name "i18n"'.format(self.__class__.__name__)) super().contribute_to_class(cls, name)